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By A. Folleck. Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. The gate control theory of pain proposes that pain is determined by the operation of two types of nerve fibers in the spinal cord buy extra super cialis 100 mg visa erectile dysfunction foods that help. One set of smaller nerve fibers carries pain from the body to the brain 100 mg extra super cialis free shipping psychological erectile dysfunction young, whereas a second set of larger fibers is designed to stop or start (as a gate would) the flow [8] of pain (Melzack & Wall, 1996). It is for this reason that massaging an area where you feel pain may help alleviate it—the massage activates the large nerve fibers that block the pain [9] signals of the small nerve fibers (Wall, 2000). Experiencing pain is a lot more complicated than simply responding to neural messages, however. We feel pain less when we are busy focusing on a [10] challenging activity (Bantick, Wise, Ploghaus, Clare, Smith, & Tracey, 2002), which can help explain why sports players may feel their injuries only after the game. We also feel less pain [11] when we are distracted by humor (Zweyer, Velker, & Ruch, 2004). And pain is soothed by the brain’s release of endorphins, natural hormonal pain killers. The release of endorphins can explain the euphoria experienced in the running of a marathon (Sternberg, Bailin, Grant, & [12] Gracely, 1998). Different chemical molecules fit into different receptor cells, creating different smells. Postural and movement information is detected by special neurons located in the skin, joints, bones, ears, and tendons, which pick up messages from the compression and the contraction of muscles throughout the body. Which of the six taste sensations do these foods have, and why do you think that you like these particular flavors? Why do you think that women might have a better developed sense of smell than do men? Introductory remarks on umami research: Candidate receptors and signal transduction mechanisms on umami. A variable-temperature surrogate mother for studying attachment in infant monkeys. Maternal-infant contact and child development: Insights from the kangaroo intervention. Brief report: Autistic children’s attentiveness and responsivity improve after touch therapy. Describe how sensation and perception work together through sensory interaction, selective attention, sensory adaptation, and perceptual constancy. Give examples of how our expectations may influence our perception, resulting in illusions and potentially inaccurate judgments. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin sense the world around us, and in some cases perform preliminary information processing on the incoming data. But by and large, we do not experience sensation—we experience the outcome of perception—the total package that the brain puts together from the pieces it receives through our senses and that the brain creates for us to experience. When we look out the window at a view of the countryside, or when we look at the face of a good friend, we don’t just see a jumble of colors and shapes—we see, instead, an image [1] of a countryside or an image of a friend (Goodale & Milner, 2006). How the Perceptual System Interprets the Environment Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. One of these is sensory interaction—the working together of different senses to create experience. Sensory interaction is involved when taste, smell, and texture combine to create the flavor we experience in food. It is also involved when we enjoy a movie because of the way the images and the music work together. The clinical features of a cerebral contusion (c) are similar to those of a concussion except neuro- logic dysfunction is more profound and prolonged and focal deficits may be present if contusions occur in the sensorimotor area order extra super cialis 100 mg erectile dysfunction bangalore doctor. Posttraumatic epilepsy (d) is associated with intracranial hematomas and depressed skull fractures purchase extra super cialis 100mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction drugs australia. Some scientists believe that head trauma predis- poses to Alzheimer disease (e); however, this would take years to develop. Although they are all associated with potentially fatal complications, they should be viewed clinically as a continuous spec- trum of myocardial damage: concussion (no permanent cell damage), contu- sion (permanent cell damage), infarction (cell death), tamponade (bleeding into the pericardium), and rupture (exsanguination). The mechanism of injury in a cardiac contusion involves a high-speed deceleration, which causes the heart to move forward, forcibly striking the sternum. In addition, the direct force of hitting an object (eg, the steering wheel) also can damage 148 Trauma Answers 149 the heart. The right ventricle is the most commonly injured because it is the most anterior aspect of the heart and is closest to the sternum. The earliest signs of hemorrhagic shock are tachycardia and cutaneous vaso- constriction. The amount of blood loss present can be estimated based on the individual’s initial clinical presentation. Many of these injuries are treat- able mainly because the patients are young and otherwise healthy. The pri- mary role of the emergency physician is to assess, resuscitate, and stabilize the trauma patient by priority. The first, classified as immediate death, is the period with the greatest number of fatalities. This occurs within seconds to minutes of the injury and these patients generally die at the scene. The cause is most commonly because of massive head injury, followed by high cervical spine injury with spinal cord disruption, cardiac and great vessel rupture, and airway obstruc- tion. The second peak period, classified as early death, occurs within min- utes to a few hours of injury. This is the period called the “golden hour” where intervention is critical and significantly reduces the morbidity and mortality rate in these patients. Death in these patients is generally sec- ondary to subdural and epidural hematomas. Other causes of death in this group include ruptured spleen, lacerated liver, hypovolemic shock, fracture 150 Emergency Medicine of pelvis or multiple long bones, hemopneumothorax, tension pneumotho- rax, cardiac tamponade, and aortic dissection or rupture. The third peak period, classified as delayed death, occurs days to weeks following the ini- tial injury. Death in these patients is usually a result of multisystem organ failure and sepsis. It is inexpensive, nonin- vasive, and confirms the presence of hemoperitoneum in minutes. The minimum amount of intraperitoneal fluid needed for detection by ultra- sound is approximately 70 cc. It is considered an unstable fracture and is associated with C2 fractures 40% of the time. However buy extra super cialis 100 mg overnight delivery erectile dysfunction protocol formula, in apparent contrast to this prediction 100mg extra super cialis with visa erectile dysfunction remedies pump, there is no evidence to suggest that obese people generally have lower metabolic rates than thin people. To explain these apparently contradictory findings it has been suggested that obese people may have lower metabolic rates to start with, which results in weight gain and this weight gain itself results in an increase in metabolic rate (Ravussin and Bogardus 1989). Fat cell theory A genetic tendency to be obese may also express itself in terms of the number of fat cells. People of average weight usually have about 25–35 billion fat cells, which are designed for the storage of fat in periods of energy surplus and the mobilization of fat in periods of energy deficit. Mildly obese individuals usually have the same number of fat cells but they are enlarged in size and weight. Severely obese individuals, however, have more fat cells – up to 100–125 billion (Sjostrom 1980). Cell number is mainly determined by genetics; however, when the existing number of cells have been used up, new fat cells are formed from pre-existing preadipocytes. Most of this growth in the number of cells occurs during gestation and early childhood and remains stable once adulthood has been reached. Although the results from studies in this area are unclear, it would seem that if an individual is born with more fat cells then there are more cells immediately available to fill up. In addition, research suggests that once fat cells have been made they can never be lost (Sjostrom 1980). An obese person with a large number of fat cells, may be able to empty these cells but will never be able to get rid of them. Appetite regulation A genetic predisposition may also be related to appetite control. Over recent years researchers have attempted to identify the gene, or collection of genes, responsible for obesity. Although some work using small animals has identified a single gene that is associated with profound obesity, for humans the work is still unclear. Two children have, however, been identified with a defect in the ‘ob gene’, which produces leptin which is responsible for telling the brain to stop eating (Montague et al. To support this, researchers have given these two children daily injections of leptin, which has resulted in a decrease in food intake and weight loss at a rate of 1–2 kg per month (Farooqi et al. Despite this, the research exploring the role of genetics on appetite control is still in the very early stages. Behavioural theories Behavioural theories of obesity have examined both physical activity and eating behaviour. Further, at present only 20 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women are employed in active occupations (Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey 1992) and for many people leisure times are dominated by inactivity (Central Statistical Office 1994). Although data on changes in activity levels are problematic, there exists a useful database on television viewing which shows that whereas the average viewer in the 1960s watched 13 hours of television per week, in England this has now doubled to 26 hours per week (General Household Survey 1994). This is further exacerbated by the increased use of videos and computer games by both children and adults. In a survey of adolescent boys in Glasgow in 1964 and 1971, whereas daily food diaries indicated a decrease in daily energy intake from 2795 kcals to 2610 kcals, the boys in 1971 showed an increase in body fat from 16. This suggests that decreased physical activity was related to increased body fat (Durnin et al. To examine the role of physical activity in obesity, research has asked ‘Are changes in obesity related to changes in activity? This question can be answered in two ways: first using epidemiological data on a population and second using prospective data on individuals. In 1995, Prentice and Jebb presented epidemiological data on changes in physical activity from 1950 to 1990, as measured by car ownership and television viewing, and compared these with changes in the prevalence of obesity. The reasons for with- initially approved (see Makuch and Johnson buy extra super cialis 100mg erectile dysfunction protocol pdf download free, 1986 order extra super cialis 100 mg without a prescription erectile dysfunction doctor prescription, drawal can be at least as varied as in double-blind 1989). However, in addition, in an open- Open-label studies label design, patients may develop an opinion on the superiority of one or other treatment for reasons Conducting open-label studies can be a liberating that may or may not be explicit. When both the patient course of therapy is one end point of the study, then and the prescriber know the treatment being admi- all withdrawals can be accounted treatment fail- nistered, many of the complexities of early-phase ures, and the statistical handling is fairly straight- studies go away. However, if there is another end point, and ciated that double-blind clinical trials are always if withdrawals are imbalanced between the treat- an abstraction from the ordinary clinical situation, ment groups and unrelated to product intolerabil- to observe how one’s new drug actually works in ity, then the situation becomes a lot more clouded. This ‘real-world’ environment can be studied at On the positive side, open-label trials are usually length and relatively cheaply, too. Longitudinal easy to administer, and patient recruitment and long- study designs (e. Investigators have effects of treatment: pathological, economical, greater freedom in entering and allocating patients, quality of life and even epidemiological impacts and this is often more comfortable than a placebo- can be assessed. One can also find out what sort of controlled situation in the ordinary clinical setting. The open-label trial approach is, however, not Sometimes, the demonstration of equivalency is suf- without its critics. In the special case of generic products, at should have a pharmacovigilance specification, the very end of a drug’s life cycle when patent cover- which basically describes the clinical hazard land- age has expired, equivalence need only be demon- scape for the new product, as far as it can be known strated pharmacokinetically (usually involving only at the time of approval. The specification is essen- a small number of normal volunteers and the rele- tially a problem statement. How- should then be accompanied by a pharmacovigi- ever, when the new product is challenging the lance plan. The plan might include routine adverse position of an older one, then equivalency trials event reporting and periodic safety updates to be usually require very large numbers of patients provided to regulators, and/or recommendations (often hundreds per treatment group). The study may have been a condition of product approval, and it is both reasonable and wise to ensure that the study design Mega-trials can be expected to provide the information that is needed both by the sponsor and the regulators. When it is suspected that there may only be small Unblinded designs that imitate the ordinary clin- differences between active treatments, and when ical situation are the norm. Instead, huge numbers of Finding a new indication is an obvious opportu- patients (tens of thousands) are randomized, ‘the nity to increase market size by enlarging the poten- cards are allowed to fall where they may’, and faith tial pool of patients that can benefit from the is placed in the notion that a large n will automa- product. In this case, two pivotal, well-controlled tically lead to well-balanced treatment groups. If there is the potential demonstrated between treatment groups of even for a new type of clinical hazard to be associated several thousands when enough concomitant con- with new disease being studied, then a safety data- founding factors are analysed (Charlton, 1966). In this for old drugs is often done when companies offer case, efficacy data will normally be required of investigator research grants. The decision to launch a new formulation to observe such niche uses under organized circum- has to be based not only on its technical success but stances can lead to new indications. At the very also according to a financial analysis of the type least, such programs encourage disclosure of new referred to above for new indications. Crucial ideas to the company and allow for some review of information on that question can usually only be the safety aspects of what these inventive indivi- obtained by studying the new formulation using duals are getting up to! New dosage forms Special populations Initial dosage forms are usually those that are most easily developed, most stable and at least reason- Special populations have their own chapters in this ably acceptable to adult patients. In the United tions can often be improved upon, whether for States, many product approvals now come with the matters of convenience (e. Traditional pharmacokinetic approaches are A variety of regulatory approaches are needed usually the first step in assessing whether these when adding to the range of formulations, and events will alter product efficacy or safety. Pharmacokinetic studies are typi- standing commercialization team with representa- cally done at small scale. If the ultimate goal of a given study is mation that can lead to a competitive advantage. Extra Super Cialis
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