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Y. Mannig. Hamline University. The most common are dryness During the last decade generic vytorin 20 mg overnight delivery cholesterol levels natural remedies, synthetic retinoids (13-cis- with scaling of the lips and dryness of the oral retinoic acid and the aromatic analogue of retinoic mucosa (Fig buy generic vytorin 30mg line cholesterol medication heart attack. Hair loss, palmoplantar scal- acid, etretinate) have been introduced as new ing, thinning of the skin, pruritus, epistaxis, agents in the modern therapy of skin diseases. No They are extremely effective drugs in various severe complications have been observed after disorders of keratinization. Synthetic retinoids have recently been treatment and one year thereafter because of the used in the treatment of psoriasis, acne vulgaris, teratogenic and embryotoxic action of these ichthyosis, lichen planus, parapsoriasis en drugs. Metal and Other Deposits Amalgam Tattoo The differential diagnosis includes pigmented nevi, malignant melanoma, normal pigmentation, Amalgam deposition develops either as a result of and hematoma. Histopathologic examination and fragments in the oral tissues during dental filling radiographs are necessary on occasion to differen- or surgical operations. In addition, during tooth tiate amalgam tattoo from other lesions of the oral extraction, fragments of amalgam restorations are mucosa with dark discoloration. Amalgam tattoo appears as a well- defined flat area with a bluish-black or brownish discoloration of varying size (Fig. Amalgam deposits usually occur in the gingiva, the alveolar mucosa, and the buccal mucosa. Metal and Other Deposits Bismuth Deposition Materia Alba of the Attached Gingiva Bismuth compounds were formerly used in the Materia alba is the result of accumulation of bac- treatment of syphilis. It is antibiotics have replaced these compounds in the usually found at the dentogingival margins of per- treatment of syphilis. However, materia bismuth are now rarely encountered except in alba presenting as a white plaque along the ves- patients who have been treated for syphilis in the tibular surface of the gingiva and the alveolar preantibiotic era and have poor oral hygiene. Less detached after slight pressure, leaving a red sur- frequently, bismuth may be deposited in other face. Phleboliths Phleboliths are calcified thrombi that occur in veins and blood vessels. It is accepted that thrombi are produced by a slowing of the peripheral blood flow, and become secondarily organized and mineralized. Clinically, it appears as a hard, pain- less swelling of the oral soft tissues typically associated with hemangiomas, although in some cases there are no signs of hemangiomas (Fig. The differential diagnosis includes salivary gland calculi, calcified lymph nodes, and soft-tissue tumors. White plaques on the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa caused by materia alba accumulation. If the salivary glands are irradiated, xero- treatment of oral and other head and neck can- stomia is one of the earliest and most common cers. Spontaneous remission of oral lesions ionizing radiation, delivered by an external may occur gradually after termination of the radi- source, or radioactive implants (gold, iridium, ation treatment. Late manifestations are usu- Ionizing radiation, in addition to its therapeutic ally irreversible and result in extremely sensitive effect, can also affect normal tissues. The teeth, in the absence of mucosal side effects after radiation are mainly salivary protection, rapidly develop caries and dependent on the dose and the duration of treat- finally are destroyed (Fig. These radiation-induced mucosal reactions crosis is a serious complication and occurs in cases may be classified as early and late. Early reactions of high-dose radiation, especially if inadequate appear at the end of the first week of therapy and measures are taken to reduce the radiation dosage consist of erythema and edema of the oral delivered to the bones. During the second week, erosions and osteomyelitis with bone necrosis and sequestra- ulcers may appear, which are covered by a whit- tion and, rarely, formation of extraoral fistulas ish-yellow exudate (Figs. The mandible is more frequently complaints include malaise, xerostomia, loss of affected than the maxilla. Collectively order vytorin 20mg without prescription cholesterol high definition, data from these studies provide an overall picture of the cariogenic potential of carbohydrates discount vytorin 30 mg with mastercard cholesterol amount in shrimp. Sugars are undoubtedly the most important dietary factor in the development of dental caries. Here, the term ‘‘sugars’’ refers to all monosaccharides and disaccharides, while the term ‘‘sugar’’ refers only to sucrose. The term ‘‘free sugars’’ refers to all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, fruit juices and syrups. The term ‘‘fermentable carbohydrate’’ refers to free sugars, glucose polymers, oligosaccharides and highly refined starches; it excludes non-starch polysaccharides and raw starches. Worldwide epidemiological studies have compared sugar consumption and levels of dental caries at the between-country level. A later analysis by Woodward & Walker (28) did not find a similar association for developed countries. Populations that had experienced a reduced sugar availability during the Second World War showed a reduction in dental caries which subsequently increased again when the restriction was lifted (30--32). Although the data pre-date the widespread use of fluoride dentifrice, Weaver (33) observed a reduction in dental caries between 1943 and 1949 in areas of northern England with both high and low concentrations of fluoride in drinking-water. As economic levels in such societies rise, the amount of sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates in the diet increases and this is often associated with a marked increase in dental caries. There is evidence to show that many groups of people with high exposure to sugars have levels of caries higher than the population average. Examples include children with chronic diseases requiring long-term sugar-containing medicines (40), and confectionery workers (41--44). Likewise, experience of dental caries has seldom been reported in groups of people who have a habitually low intake of sugars, for example, children of dentists (45, 46) and children in institutions where strict dietary regimens are inflicted (47, 48). A weakness of population studies of this type is that changes in intake of sugars often occur concurrently with changes in the intake of refined starches, making it impossible to attribute changes in dental caries solely to changes in the intake of sugars. Human intervention studies are rare, and those that have been reported are now decades old and were conducted in the pre-fluoride era before the strong link between sugars intake and dental caries levels was established. It would not be possible to repeat such studies today because of ethical constraints. The Vipeholm study, conducted in an adult mental institution in Sweden between 1945 and 1953 (50), investigated the effects of consuming sugary foods of varying stickiness and at different times throughout the day on the development of caries. It was found that sugar, even when consumed in large amounts, had little effect on caries increment if it was ingested up to a maximum of four times a day at mealtimes only. Increased frequency of consumption of sugar between meals was, however, associated with a marked increase in dental caries. It was also found that the increase in dental caries activity disappears on withdrawal of sugar-rich foods. Despite the complicated nature of the study the conclusions are valid, although they apply to the pre-fluoride era. The Turku study was a controlled dietary intervention study carried out on adults in Finland in the 1970s which showed that almost total substitution of sucrose in the diet with xylitol (a non-cariogenic sweetener) resulted in an 85% reduction in dental caries over a 2-year period (51). Nine out of 21 studies that compared amount of sugars consumed with caries increment found significant associations, while the other 12 did not. Moreover, 23 out of 37 studies that investigated the association between frequency of sugars consumption and caries levels found significant relationships, while 14 failed to find any such associations. A cross-sectional study in the United States of 2514 people aged 9-- 29 years conducted between 1968 and 1970 found that the dental caries experience of adolescents eating the highest amounts of sugars (upper 15% of the sample) was twice that of those eating the lowest amounts (lower 15% of the sample) (52). When the effects of oral hygiene and fluoride were kept constant, the children with a low intake of sugars between meals had up to 86% less caries than those with high intakes of sugars. Other studies have found fluoride exposure and oral hygiene to be more strongly associated with caries than sugars consumption (54, 55). This pool- ing may then itself compromise endothelial function and ultimately result in episodes of inflammation (Fig buy vytorin 30mg visa cholesterol and eggs myths. Depressed delayed hypersensitivity and deposits of immunoprotein in facial skin have also been reported generic vytorin 30 mg with amex cholesterol medication pulled, suggesting that the immune system is involved in the pathogenesis. It would be typical for a patient to start tetracycline 250 mg 6-hourly for 3 weeks and then receive the drug three times daily for a further 3 or 4 weeks. At that time, reduction to twice-daily dosage would be made and maintained until stopping (perhaps at 10 or 12 weeks) did not result in the appearance of further papules. Erythromycin is also effective and the same dose regimen applies as for tetracycline. Isotretinoin may help some patients, particularly those who have rhinophyma, as it has been shown that it reduces the size of the enlarged nose as well as redu- cing the numbers of papules present. Although they may suppress the inflammatory papules, they tend to make the face redder and more telangiectatic, 167 Acne, rosacea and similar disorders Figure 10. Facial skin may be sore and uncomfortable in rosacea and the use of emollients can give some symptomatic relief as well as discouraging the use of topical corti- costeroids! How systemic antibiotics, or metronidazole, systemic or topical, achieve their effects in rosacea is not clear. Perioral dermatitis is most common in young women aged 15–25 years, being quite rare in men and in older women. Its exact incidence is unknown, but it is of interest to know that it was first recognized in the late 1960s, seemed quite com- mon in affluent Western communities in the 1970s and then appeared to become less frequently observed in the 1980s, reappearing once again in the 1990s. Patients usually respond to a course of systemic tetracycline as for rosacea for a period of 4–8 weeks. It may only last a few It is characterized by increased sebum secretion months, but can persist for years. Oils and greases can aggravate or even horny plugs, the tips of which are black due cause acne. These blocked follicles ● The rate of sebum secretion is increased by the often leak and may rupture, causing inflammatory surge in testosterone levels at puberty. These bacteria greatly increase in destruction and hypertrophic, keloidal, pock-like numbers in the dilated and plugged follicle. The papules ● Topical retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin and are unlike those of acne, being non-tender adapalene) are comedolytic agents. Rhinophyma (irregular (erythromycin, clindamycin and tetracycline) are nasal swelling), keratitis and persistent quite useful, as are preparations of benzoyl lymphoedema of facial skin are complications peroxide, which are both antimicrobial and seen mainly in men. Systemic tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, reddened facial skin, such as lupus erythematosus doxycycline or minocycline) and erythromycin and dermatomyositis. They may need to be ● The cause is unknown, but the occurrence in given over some months. Systemic isotretinoin fair-skinned individuals on light-exposed sites and is the most effective agent for severe acne, the presence of a marked degree of solar damage but is capable of causing many adverse side histologically suggest that photodamage plays a effects, including fetal deformities if given to major role. An anti-androgen preparation ● The condition tends to persist, but acute episodes containing cyproterone acetate and ethinyl usually respond to oral tetracycline or erythromycin oestradiol is also used in female patients and or topical metronidazole. The same principles underlie the healing of cuts, abrasions, ulcers and areas damaged by chemical attack, invasion by micro-organisms or immune reactions. Healing of the skin damaged by a physical insult may be divided into: ● an immediate haemostatic phase, ● an early phase of re-epithelialization, ● a later phase of dermal repair and remodelling (Fig. It is hoped that better understanding of the complex interactions and their controls will result in new techniques and substances for the treatment of non- healing wounds. Persistent non-healing ulcers of the skin are very common and cause much unhappiness, disablement and economic loss. Vitamin C and zinc deficiencies are amongst the deficiency states also associated with delayed wound healing. In cases of potential subacute infective endocarditis quality vytorin 30 mg cholesterol levels and ratios, antibiotic treatment should not be started until the final culture and sensitivity data are available discount vytorin 20mg free shipping cholesterol from shrimp is it good. A 4-wk course is appropriate for an uncomplicated case of native valve endocarditis. The shortened regimen is appropriate to the following conditions: (i) a sensitive as S. Even the penicillin sensitive strains may be tolerant to the b-lactam compounds (224). Because of its pharmacokinetics, ceftriaxone has become antibiotic choice because of its twice-a-day dosing regimen. The combined use of a b-lactam or a glycopeptide with gentamicin is required to eradicate resistant streptococci. Such a combination is beneficial in the treatment of tolerant streptococci as well. Table 16 summarizes the recommendations for the treatment of non-enterococcal streptococci. Since the beginning of the antibiotic era, enterococci have posed a significant therapeutic challenge because of their ability to raise multiple resistance mechanisms. These organisms are resistant to all cephalosporins and to the penicillinase-resistant penicillins. When used alone, penicillin and ampicillin are ineffective against serious enterococcal infection. Likewise, aminoglycosides fail to treat these infections when used alone because of their inability to penetrate the bacterial cell wall. The combination of a b-lactam agents (with the exception of the cephalosporins) is able to effectively treat severe enterococcal infections. The cell wall active component plus penetration of the aminoglycoside into the interior of the enterococcus in so reach its target, the ribosome. Synergy does not exist if the enterococcus is resistant to the cell wall active antibiotic (226). Some gentamicin-resistant strains may remain sensitive to streptomycin and vice versa (227). Ampicillin resistance, on the basis of b-lactamase production, has been recognized since the 1980s. This is not usually picked up by routine sensitivity testing and requires the use of a nitrocefin disc for detection. When the enterococcus is sensitive to the b-lactam antibiotics, vancomycin and the aminoglycosides, the classic combination of a cell wall active antibiotic with an aminoglycoside remains the preferred therapeutic approach (228). Vancomycin is substituted for ampicillin in the treatment of those individuals who are allergic to or whose infecting organism is resistant to ampicillin. When resistance to both gentamicin streptomycin is present, continuously infused ampicillin to achieve a serum level of 60 mg/mL has had some success. Experience with the use of this compound against enterococcus is limited but growing. The combination of ampicillin and ceftriaxone does produce synergy against enterococci both in vitro and in vivo. These are ascribed to the production of type A b-lactamases by the organism (235). Possible explanations for the abbreviated antibiotic course in right-sided disease are greater penetration of antibiotics into right-sided vegetations and the decreased concentration of bacteria compared with left-sided disease because of the low oxygen tension of the right ventricle. The main purpose of the other two agents is to prevent the development of rifampin-resistant organisms (238). Vytorin
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