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Compton S, Grant P, Chrisman A, Gammon P, Brown V, March J: Sertraline pharmacotherapeutic agents for anxiety disorders in children and in children and adolescents with social anxiety disorder: an open trial. Coskun M, Zoroglu S: Efficacy and safety of fluoxetine in preschool the treatment of children with generalized anxiety disorder. A of children and adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder: a review of epidemiological studies across the adult life span. Biederman J: Clonazepam in the treatment of prepubertal children with service utilization. Psychiatr Serv 2012, alprazolam in children and adolescents with overanxious and avoidant 63:66-72. Mehta K, Simonsick E, Penninx B, Schulz R, Rubin S, Satterfield S, Yaffe K: a glutamate antagonist, in children with treatment-resistant obsessive- Prevalence and correlates of anxiety symptoms in well-functioning compulsive disorder. Bryant C, Jackson H, Ames D: The prevalence of anxiety in older adults: A randomized controlled trial of telephone-delivered cognitive- methodological issues and a review of the literature. Montgomery S, Chatamra K, Pauer L, Whalen E, Baldinetti F: Efficacy and Psychiatry 2012, 27:549-556. Karaiskos D, Pappa D, Tzavellas E, Siarkos K, Katirtzoglou E, generalized anxiety disorder in primary care. Wylie M, Miller M, Shear M, Little J, Mulsant B, Pollock B, Reynolds C: 60:218-229. Gardner M, Malone D, Sey M, Babington M: Mirtazapine is associated anxiety disorder: two pilot investigations. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2003, with less anxiolytic use among elderly depressed patients in long-term 11:24-32. Schatzberg A, Kremer C, Rodrigues H, Murphy G: Double-blind, Cognitive-behavior therapy for late-life generalized anxiety disorder in randomized comparison of mirtazapine and paroxetine in elderly primary care: preliminary findings. 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