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By S. Thorald. Metropolitan College of New York. Deep Tis- monly used for athletes purchase 100 mg viagra soft overnight delivery erectile dysfunction treatment las vegas, dancers generic 50 mg viagra soft free shipping erectile dysfunction hand pump, and other per- sue, for example, is often incorporated into formers, the method is said to improve balance, Swedish massage if the client has problem areas coordination, and mobility. Although it can be be performed while the person is sitting or lying meridians 83 on the floor, standing, or sitting in a chair, consists cation to pass themselves off as certified. It is prefer- principle of the universal life force energy that able to choose someone who is either state or flows in and out of the body. This means the therapist has ease, illness, and pain, they indicate a block of been taught and tested in the areas of anatomy and such energy. Practitioners are taught to detect such physiology, pathology, massage technique, mas- blockages by passing their hands above the sage-related medical treatment, and ethics. Energy imbalances can be equal- ing of massage therapists is now required in 25 ized, therefore enabling the body to heal. As of states, and an increasing number of states are 1988, the method was taught in 80 colleges and adopting the National Certification Examination. To locate a therapist, contact is a gentle technique meant for stress reduction a local school of massage for the names of qualified and relaxation. Hot and cold stone massage concerned also with an individual’s posture and the uses rock formed by volcanic and sedimentary condition of his or her intestinal tract. More infor- action to manipulate the muscles and induce mation is available in the book Health through Inner relaxation and healing. These oils are used to affect the way you feel, such as to deepen relaxation, rid the mind of worry, meditation The art and science of quieting and or energize. Aromatherapy adds the air of luxury centering the mind and coordinating breathing for and pampering to a massage session. Before accept- the purpose of achieving deep relaxation and clar- ing such treatment, the client should be sure the ity of thinking. Check with a physician before related to one’s emotional or mental condition and having a massage treatment after recent surgery moods. Fourteen pathways uncommon for people with little or no formal edu- go to and from the hands and feet to the torso and 84 mesmerism head. Twelve main bilateral meridians correspond to beings possess a life force or energy beyond the the 12 major organs—liver, spleen, heart, stomach, physical constitution, and that energy may become kidneys, lungs, etc. Six meridians pertain to the blad- blocked or unbalanced in some way, causing illness der, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, and large or injury or dysfunction. Moreover, the blockage intestine, and the Triple Burner (which regulates may be either physical or emotional, current or his- overall body temperature) is related to the trans- torical, in origin. Chinese practition- Acting as a catalyst for the client, the meta- ers believe imbalances, blockages, or disharmonies morphic practitioner uses a light touch on points along points of any of the meridians cause symptoms known as the spinal reflexes in the feet, hands, of illness. The Metamorphic Technique is not a therapy or a treatment, since it is not concerned mesmerism The technique of “animal magnet- with addressing specific symptoms or problems. It can be used alone or complement conventional or alternative medicine therapies. Metamorphic Technique An approach to self- No special training, abilities, or background are healing and personal development through elimi- needed in order to become a practitioner. Clients nating limited beliefs about one’s potential and who wish to transform their behavioral and emo- patterns both physical and emotional that cause tional patterns often seek the Metamorphic Tech- these beliefs. The recip- technique acts as a catalyst to this energy (also ient removes shoes and socks and may either sit or known as the life force), gently helping to trans- lie down. The practitioner uses a light touch on the form the negative patterns into positive ones. The Metamorphic Technique originated in the Metamorphic Technique practitioners work in a work of Robert St. Endometrium lines the uterus in varying amounts depending on the stage of a woman’s menstrual cycle or pregnancy cheap viagra soft 50mg on line erectile dysfunction drugs wiki. This lining is sup- ported by a thick muscular layer called the myometrium order 100 mg viagra soft otc erectile dysfunction systems, which is under the control of the autonomic nervous system and comes into play when the uterus contracts, such as during labor. Sperm enter and menstrual fluid leaves through the vagina, a muscular tube that connects the uterus with the outside of the body. Lined with a fold of highly elastic mucous membrane, the vagina can enlarge greatly during childbirth. A folded mem- brane of connective tissue called the hymen lies at the opening of the vaginal canal until it is ruptured or torn, often by sexual intercourse but sometimes by other physical activities. At either side of the vaginal opening are two Bartholin glands that secrete a lubricating mucous. On the outside, the female genitalia extends toward the posterior from a mound of soft, fatty tissue called the mons pubis that covers the bone structure called the pubic symphysis. Behind this, the vulva consists of two flaps of fatty tissue: the outer lips, or labia majora; and the smaller, hairless inner lips, the labia minora. Just above where the inner lips join is a small flap of tissue called the clitoral hood, under which is the clitoris, erectile tissue that swells during sexual arousal. Below the clitoris is the exter- nal opening of the urethra and below that is the introitus, the opening to the vagina. Tunica albuginea Secondary follicle Cortex of stroma Germinal epithelium Follicular fluid Primary follicle Cumulus oophorus Graafian follicle Membrana granulosa Blood vessels Medulla of stroma entering Blood clot hilus of ovary Corpus albicans Early corpus luteum Figure 14-1: Mature Corona radiata The ovary. Pituitary Chapter 14: Carrying Life Forward: The Female Reproductive System 223 11. Use the terms that follow to identify the anatomy of the female reproductive system shown in Figure 14-2. Normal human diploid, or 2N, cells contain 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes each. One chromosome from each pair comes from the individual’s mother, and the other comes from the father. Each homol- ogous pair contains the same type of genetic information, but the expression of this genetic information may differ from one chromosome of the pair to the homologous chromosome. For example, one chromosome from the mother may carry the genetic coding for blue eyes, whereas the homologous chromosome from the father may code for brown eyes. Although all the body’s cells have 46 chromosomes — including the cells that eventu- ally mature into the ovum and the sperm — each gamete (either ovum or sperm) must offer only half that number if fertilization is to succeed. As you see in Figure 14-3, the number of chromosomes is cut in half during the first meiotic division, producing gametes that are haploid, or 1N. The second mei- otic division produces four haploid sperms in the male but only one functional haploid ovum in the female. When fertilization occurs, the new zygote will contain 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes for a total of 46 chromosomes. The zygote then proceeds through mitosis to produce the body’s cells, distributing copies of all 46 chromosomes to each new cell. Zygote Chapter 14: Carrying Life Forward: The Female Reproductive System 225 Think you’ve conquered this process? Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences: Meiosis produces sperm and ovum, which contributes to making a 41. It only lasts as long as the light’s excitation energy is applied generic viagra soft 100mg with amex erectile dysfunction after zoloft, usually about 100 nanoseconds (10–9 seconds) 100mg viagra soft overnight delivery impotence or erectile dysfunction. When light energy of various wavelengths strikes human skin, all four of the previously mentioned events can occur simultaneously. Depending on the wavelength of the source of the incident light and the confguration of the camera, lenses, and flters, it is possible to record, individually, any of the four reactions of skin to light energy (Figure 11. Ultraviolet light only penetrates a few microns into skin, whereas infrared light can penetrate skin to a depth of up to 3 mm. By varying the wavelength of incident light used for illumination and setting up the appropriate confgu- ration of the camera, lens, flters, and flm, it is possible to photograph any of the four events that occur. Tis ability creates an opportunity for interest- ing pictures, especially when looking at bruises and other injuries to skin. Sharp surface details can be seen with ultraviolet light, while images well below the surface of the skin can be seen using infrared light. Images created using refected visible light and fuorescence allow other potentially diferent appearances of the patterned injuries to be captured. Te techniques and photographic protocols for documenting injuries to human skin in visible and nonvisible light using flm and digital imaging are vastly diferent. Tese changes from normal to injured to healing states allow discriminatory recording of the contusions illuminated by light sources of various wavelengths. Since the healing process is long term and ongoing, it is sometimes possible to photograph an injury afer that tissue appears to have healed to the naked eye. Similarly, photographing the same injuries over time using both visible and nonvisible light techniques can yield diferent appear- ances of those injuries, which can sometimes add to their evidentiary value (Figures 11. Success in photographing healing bruises over time will depend on sev- eral variables, including the composition of the injured skin, the thickness of the skin, the wavelength and intensity of light used to photograph the damaged area, the equipment used, and the type of flm used. Depending upon the specifc injury, it may be necessary to photographically capture the injuries digitally or with flm, in color and black and white using visible light, as well as nonvisible light. Te injury may also vary in appearance in the photographs of each of these incident light sources and over time if photo- graphed serially. Te location and type of skin injured has profound efects on the ability to photograph the injuries. For example, thick skin of the palm of the hand is usually much easier to photograph immediately afer an injury than afer it has partially healed. Te thick, keratinized covering of the palm of the hand ofen exceeds the ability of most light energy to penetrate enough to record Forensic dental photography 209 Figure 11. Series of photographs showing the appearance of a bitemark on the hip of a sexual assault victim. Note the sig- nifcant increase in the detail of the bitemark discernable in this ultraviolet image. Such cases require fuorescent photography due to the highly fuorescent nature of thick skin. In contrast, thin skin found in areas such as the face or female breast tissue can frequently lend itself to recording injury patterns long afer the visible damage from the injury has faded when viewed under room lighting with the naked eye. Again, this is directly related to the ability of the specifc wavelength light energy to react with the skin to a sufcient depth to record the injury. Forensic dental photography 211 It is important to understand a fnal concept about the physiology of injured skin. In a living victim, at any point in time afer the initial response to injury occurs, the composition of the injured skin is diferent from all other points in time; the skin is continuously changing as the injury heals. Tese changes will afect the response of the tissues to the selected wavelength of light energy over time and may change the appearance of the injured tissue when photographed. The brain can develop new neurons buy viagra soft 100mg otc erectile dysfunction even with cialis, a process known as neurogenesis cheap viagra soft 50mg mastercard erectile dysfunction doctor indianapolis, as well as new routes for neural communications (neuroplasticity). Sensory (afferent) neurons carry information from the sensory receptors, whereas motor (efferent) neurons transmit information to the muscles and glands. Glands in the endocrine system include the pituitary gland, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, and the male and female sex glands. The male sex hormone testosterone and the female sex Attributed to Charles Stangor Saylor. Many roads in the area were closed for security reasons, and police presence was high. As a prank, eight members of the Australian television satire The Chaser’s War on Everything assembled a false motorcade made up of two black four-wheel-drive vehicles, a black sedan, two motorcycles, body guards, and chauffeurs (see the video below). Group member Chas Licciardello was in one of the cars disguised as Osama bin Laden. The motorcade drove through Sydney‘s central business district and entered the security zone of the meeting. The motorcade was waved on by police, through two checkpoints, until the Chaser group decided it had taken the gag far enough and stopped outside the InterContinental Hotel where former President Bush was staying. Only at this time did the police belatedly check the identity of the group members, finally arresting them. Afterward, the group testified that it had made little effort to disguise its attempt as anything more than a prank. The group‘s only realistic attempt to fool police was its Canadian-flag marked vehicles. The ability to detect and interpret the events that are occurring around us allows us to respond to [1] these stimuli appropriately (Gibson & Pick, 2000). In most cases the system is successful, but as you can see from the above example, it is not perfect. In this chapter we will discuss the strengths and limitations of these capacities, focusing on both sensation—awareness resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ, and perception—the organization and interpretation of sensations. Sensation and perception work seamlessly together to allow us to experience the world through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, but also to combine what we are currently learning from the environment with what we already know about it to make judgments and to choose appropriate behaviors. The study of sensation and perception is exceedingly important for our everyday lives because the knowledge generated by psychologists is used in so many ways to help so many people. Psychologists work closely with mechanical and electrical engineers, with experts in defense and military contractors, and with clinical, health, and sports psychologists to help them apply this knowledge to their everyday practices. The research is used to help us understand and better prepare people to cope with such diverse events as driving cars, flying planes, creating robots, [2] and managing pain (Fajen & Warren, 2003). We will begin the chapter with a focus on the six senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and monitoring the body’s positions (proprioception). We will see that sensation is sometimes relatively direct, in the sense that the wide variety of stimuli around us inform and guide our behaviors quickly and accurately, but nevertheless is always the result of at least some interpretation. We do not directly experience stimuli, but rather we experience those stimuli as they are created by our senses. Each sense accomplishes the basic process of transduction—the conversion of stimuli detected by receptor cells to electrical impulses that are then transported to the brain—in different, but related, ways. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29(2), 343–362. Explain the difference between sensation and perception and describe how psychologists measure sensory and difference thresholds. Humans possess powerful sensory capacities that allow us to sense the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that surround us. Viagra Soft
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